Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

~~Balik Kampung.............ooooo... Balik Kampung..


InsyaAllah, Cik Kimi akan berangkat pulang ke kampung halaman hari ni nek Air Asia RM 481.00 sehala pukul 1.05 pm ni....

Doakan Cik Kimi selamat balik Kedah ye....

InsyaAllah Cik Kimi balik semula ke KK pada 30 Jan 2012, nek MAS RM 309.00 sehala....

Lamanya cuti...=p

Baru shiok bah.....

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Friday, January 6, 2012

~~Mahu belajar menjahit....

Cik Kimi dah lama berhajat nak belajar menjahit ni...

Paling gedik sekali masa tengok kawan Cik Kimi dia buat sendiri gaun untuk baby girl dia...

Punya la cantek..

Siap dengan renda2 lagi...

Bila raya je, dia tak pernah kalut pikir nak anta baju kat mana...

Dia jahit je sendiri...

Then, Cik Kimi mula terfikir, kalau la dapat pelajari kemahiran ni, banyak faedahnya untuk masa ke depan....

Hajat hati sekarang, tengah kumpul duit, sambil2 tu nak belajar menjahit dengan mak...

Disebabkan Cik Kimi jauh di KK, jadi maybe salahs atu cara lagi melalui buku...

Tak pun, Pn Rokiah pun pandai menjahit..

Boleh jugak belajar dengan dia kan...?


Satu lagi azam tahun ni....=)

~~Resepi Oat Cracker


Semalam Cik Kimi habis idea dah nak buat resepi apa untuk makan malam...

Jadinya, ada oat, ada hot chocolate ada pisang....

Pikir punya pikir, ha....!!!

Ambil oat 6 camca, then ambil pisang potong dadu, gaul2 dengan hot chocolate... then tambah air panas.....

u know what??

punya la sodap...

mak aih....


~~Weekend ni....

Cik Kimi ada beberapa plan nak buat...

Pertamanya, Pn Hana nak melanja Cik Kimi makan...

Jadi, memandangkan Pn Hana bercuti Sabtu dan Ahad ni, Cik Kimi ada bagi idea terbaeek !! untuk spend weekend ni di KK dengan Pn Hana...=)

Sabtu :
Pagi : Piknik di Tanjung Lipat
T/Hari : Jalan2 1 Borneo

Ahad :
Pagi : Jalan2 pasar / Gaya Street
T/Hari : Masak2 kat umah

So, begitulah idea kasarnya...


Nanti Cik Kimi update lagi...

Selamat berhujung minggu...


~~Mekaseh ye En Fizi...=)

Sebab tak jemu2 bagi nasihat, dan kadang2 marah benda yang Cik Kimi silap buat.....

Kalau tak de yang menegur, alamatnya sampai bila2 Cik Kimi tak sedar kesilapan tu....

Sayang kamu selamanya....


p/s: @}-------- bunga untuk kamu......

~~Anda jenis seorang yang suka bantu orang lain...??


Cik Kimi mengaku Cik Kimi jenis yang susah nak tengok orang dalam kepayahan....

Kalau boleh nak yang senang2 untuk kawan2 Cik Kimi...

But, kebaikkan Cik Kimi kadang2 dan dilebih guna orang lain.....

Sampai kadang2 Cik Kimi rasa macam tak ikhlas nak tolong... (Sebab seolah2 diarahkan...)


Tak berniat nak buat gitu..

Tapi, rasanya Cik Kimi kena sedar dan jadi diri sendiri yang lebih tegas pasni.....


~~Facebook.. Twitter...

Entry kali ni saja nak bersembang pasal 2 medium SOSIAL yang sekarang ni sangat femes....

Cik Kimi pernah ada akaun FB dulu...

TWITTER pun adoo.... Hehehe...

Tapi, now dah stop...

Sebab ??

Tak de sebab pun...


~~ Jumaat pertama tahun 2011...


Sedar tak sedar dah masuk hari ke 6 dalam bulan Januari tahun ni...


Masih diberi kesempatan untuk menemuinya....

~~Apa nak buat kalau dapat detect high blood pressure??...

Cik Kimi nak kongsi pengalaman dengan kawan2 yang kena detect high blood pressure...

Memang menakutkan...

Sebab bersangkutan dengan jantung dan juga seluruh fungsi badan...

Tanpa tekanan, kita tak mungkin dapat buang akir kecil atau besar, bersin, batuk, dan sebagainya....
Maha Suci Allah, Yang Maha Pencipta....

Bila kena detect ada tekanan darah tinggi, kalau boleh jangan lah ambil mudah...

Ok... Tekanan darah yang normal adalah 120/80 untuk dewasa...

Kalau nak cerita dari segi teori dan pengiraan, memang pening...

Tapi untuk senang faham, tekanan darah ni adalah tahap keluar masuk Na+ dan K+ dalam salur darah.....

Jadi, bila terlalu tinggi kandungan Na+ dan K+, kepekatan darah akan tinggi, menyebabkan saluran darah mengalami tekanan yang kuat untuk proses keluar masuk ini....

Secara tidak langsung, kita akan mudah pening, macam nak pitam dan akan memberi kesan sampingan yang lain...

Cik Kimi pernah didetect tekanan darah tinggi, and doktor pernah hampir2 nak bagi ubat...

But Cik Kimi tak percaya kat doktor masa tu...

Huhu.. Jadi doktor kata datang klinik 5 hari berturut2 untuk check tekanan darah untuk meng'sure'kan samada kompem atau tidak Cik Kimi ni ada tekanan darah tinggi...

Setat pada tu, memang Cik Kimi sangat2 mengambil berat apa yang Cik Kimi makan...

Seminggu tu memang tolak makanan masin, air bergas, banyakkan makan buah-buahan, dan yang paling penting, BANYAK minum air masak... At least, 6 liter.....

Masa ni, memang tekanan darah normal semula...

So, moralnya, ia bermula dengan makanan.... AGREE??

Sampai sekarang, Cik Kimi memang dah tolak terus air berkarbonat... Tu paling obvious yang Cik Kimi perasan dalam perubahan diri Cik Kimi...

Alhamdulillah, tahun lepas memang banyak kali ambil tekanan darah, dan keputusannya Alhamdulillah...

Tak de lagi didetect ada tekanan darah tinggi...

And, still sampai sekarang Cik Kimi jaga bab tu....
i) Jaga tekanan darah
ii) Jaga kolestrol (memang sedikit tinggi ; 6.7)
iii) Jogging weekend
iv) Kardio excersice....

Sebab Cik Kimi sedar Cik Kimi dalam golongan yang paling terdedah dengan risiko penyakit2 ni semua...

Sebab tu la, tak banyak pun, sekurang-kurangnya Cik Kimi ada ambil langkah2 penjagaan kesihatan dari sekarang...


~~Lose weight... 6 months challenge...

Copy from : http://www.lifeclinic.com
Scale for losing weight - learn strategies to lose weight

Strategies for Losing Weight

Strategies You Can Use to Lose Weight?

There are lots of ways to lose weight. But if you plan to lose more than 15 to 20 pounds, or if you take medication regularly, you should be evaluated by your doctor before beginning your plan. Your doctor or registered dietitian can help you arrive at a sensible weight loss goal. You may not need to lose as much weight for your health as you think. Sometimes the “cosmetic” desire to lose requires a great deal more loss than what is needed to lower your health risk. Â
Weight Loss Plan

Food Choices Are The Key
Any weight management program you consider should probably reduce your daily calorie intake anywhere from 500 to 1000 calories a day, depending on how many calories you are currently eating. Total fat should be 30 percent or less of your total calories. Reducing saturated fat is important especially if your cholesterol is high. However, eating less fat alone won’t give you the results you want unless your total calories are reduced, too. If cakes and cookies or breads and pastas are your favorites, you may need to reduce carbohydrates as well. You may want to seek the help of a registered dietitian to help you with dietary therapy or seek out a weight management program. A meal planning tool such as lifeclinic.com’s Nutrition Diary can also help monitor your daily calorie and nutrition intake.


Increase Physical Activity
Increasing your physical activity is an important part of losing weight. Moreover, it will be a lot harder to maintain your weight loss without increasing your exercise. By exercising, you can lower your risk for high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes beyond that produced by weight loss alone. If you are at risk for heart disease, have a chronic illness such as high blood pressure, diabetes or you are obese, you should check with your doctor before adopting an exercise plan.

Change Your Behavior and See Results
Behavior therapy is a sort of a fancy way to talk about basic learning principles that can help you overcome barriers to changing your eating and exercise habits. For example it will be natural for you to set weight loss goals. But you need to look at your behavior when you set them:

  • Are your goals specific?
  • Are your goals attainable?
  • Are your goals forgiving?

Here are some examples of goals that probably won’t help you:

“Exercise more.” This sounds good, but it isn’t specific.

“Walk five miles a day.” This is better because it’s specific, but it isn’t attainable if you’re just starting out.

“Walk 30 minutes every day.” This is better still, but what if something happens during your regular walking time, like a late meeting or a thunderstorm. This goal isn’t forgiving enough.

“Walk 30 minutes, five days a week.” This is a great goal because it’s specific, attainable and it’s forgiving.

Other techniques that change behavior include:

  • Give yourself rewards that aren’t food. Everybody needs to be encouraged, but choose a new CD instead of a hot fudge sundae.
  • Balance your food “checkbook.” This involves keeping track of your food intake by keeping a journal or by informally noting that if you had a high-fat breakfast, it would be best to keep lunch and dinner low-fat. Regular monitoring of your weight, especially if you can see it on a chart, can really help you see what you’re doing for yourself. Check out lifeclinic.com’s Nutrition & Fitness Diary and My Health Chart features to see how easily this can be done.
  • Pay attention to social cues. Certain environmental or social situations may encourage unhealthy eating or other habits that you don’t want. For example the office coffee pot may be where the treats are displayed during the week. You might want to bring a thermos from home or try the local deli to avoid this situation where you have eaten too many goodies before. Or if you meet a friend at the doughnut shop every week, try meeting for a walk on a nature trail instead.
  • Send the “fullness” signal. It takes 20 or more minutes for your brain to get the message that you’ve been fed. So slow the rate you eat so your brain catches up with your actual food intake. You can also drink a glass of water before eating or eat a low-calorie appetizer to help feel fuller. Another trick is to use smaller plates so you don’t feel deprived when you see a smaller portion.


Combined Therapy Works Best
A combined strategy of behavior therapy, more exercise and healthy eating geared to shaving extra calories away is actually the most successful therapy for weight loss and weight maintenance.

Pharmacotherapy Is For Some
There are some patients who may benefit from medications in order to lose weight. The National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) says these medications may be useful for people with a BMI of more than 30 with no other risk factors, or a BMI of more than 27 if there are other diseases or risk factors present. Some of these medications have side effects in people with hypertension, coronary heart disease, heart failure, arrhythmias or history of stroke. You’ll want to talk with your doctor about the benefits and risks of these medications.

Reduction Surgery Is For the Few
For people who are severely obese, weight reduction surgery may help. The NHLBI recommends these procedures for people as a last resort for profoundly obese people who have medical complications from their weight.

copy from : http://www.lifeclinic.com

~~Lagi 2 minggu nak balik kampung...


Setelah lamanya tak kelik kampung lepas raya, tak salah kalau Cik Kimi teruja nak balik kampung raya cina ni...

Semoga selamat semua yang dirancangkan dan selamat pulang ke kampung dan kembali ke Sabah kelak...


p/s: guna komputer di bilik agate...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

~~Stop kejap blogging...


Cik Kimi nak kena stop jap blogging sebab keyboard rosak..
